Pearl of Maldives
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Best Place to Stay
Roin ac ornare lacus. Nullam volutpat neque at arcu eleifend, ac tempus lacus volutpat. Praesent luctus et nunc
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Rooms & Suites
Classic Double Room
$379 per night
Family Room
$279 per night
Double Room
$199 per night
Suite Room
$129 per night
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Our Amenities
At our hotel, there is a variety of rooms to choose from. Whether you are a casual traveler or a person demanding luxury wherever you go, you won’t be disappointed.
Yacht Tour
Spa Center
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for Full Services Package
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5 star customer support. Always prompt and answers my questions. I feel extremely confident my issues are resolved when using the customer support. Highly recommend
Elijah Olson • Envato Customer
5 star customer support. Always prompt and answers my questions. I feel extremely confident my issues are resolved when using the customer support. Highly recommend
Elijah Olson • Envato Customer
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The support helps me to resolve a bug on my website in few minutes. Thank you
Elijah Olson • Envato Customer
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